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Friday, July 22, 2011

cool consoles

via: apartment therapy

i love the idea of updating a vintage console & when i'm lucky enough to have a place to call my own i will definitely be adorning my living room with a vintage console.

vic & i saw this at the flea market a few months ago & we talked about how awesome it would be if it were to be modernized. the console would probably lose some character, but it would be much more functional and don't we all love functionality? replacing the old tv with a new flat screen tv & removing the record player and installing an ipod connector would turn this already beautiful piece of furniture into a highly functional beautiful piece of furniture. the best of both worlds i think.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

hello? hola? yoboseyo? moshi moshi?

i saw this awesome phone booth at the goodwill a few weeks ago. how i wished that i had a good enough reason to buy it & take it home with me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DIY vintage suitcase

this past weekend vic & i made our monthly trek to the rose bowl flea market in lovely pasadena. we usually meander throughout the flea market stopping to look at whatever happens to catch our eye & at the end of the day i usually go home with a few vintage dresses & vic leaves with an old painting or framed print. however, this past weekend we had a list of things that we really wanted to find. we were looking for old mason jars, old books, vintage globes, and most importantly vintage fans. we foolishly assumed that we would have no problem finding vintage fans. we were naive. we walked down every single row in the flea market in the 85+ weather (getting massive sunburns in the process. forgot to put on sunblock. oops!) trying in vain to find a vintage fan. the only fans that we found, which weren't that many (less than 5), were either $150+ (out of our price range) or dog-gone ugly. so the hunt continues for vintage fans. hopefully next month's flea market will be more successful!

on another note, although we didn't walk away with a vintage fan we did leave with a really cool 1950's suitcase for only $10! literally a minute after i told vic that i was thinking about adding to my suitcase collection we spotted this really great suitcase with old stickers. most of the stickers are Canadian stickers so we're assuming that the suitcase made its way all the way from Canada! i love imagining the former lives that all my vintage objects had before they found their way to me.

the exterior of the suitcase was great, but the interior was a hot mess! so vic suggested that we rehab the interior. we went to ikea & found fabric for only $1.50 & a spray on adhesive for $7. the fabric that we used was actually a pack of baby cloths and although it isn't conventional fabric we thought that the material would work perfectly for this project so we decided to buy them over spending more money for the conventional $5+/yard fabric at ikea.

i have to admit that vic did most of the work in rehabbing this suitcase & i more or less assisted.

the suitcase

i forgot to take a picture of the original lining, but imagine an old silky sort of fabric that was badly stained & ripped. this is a picture of the suitcase after we ripped out all the lining.

i'm "supervising" the work. ha ha.

covering the original pieces of the suitcase with new fabric.

lining the suitcase.

so in total we only spent $18 and about 2 hrs of our time for this amazing one-of-a-kind suitcase!

Friday, July 8, 2011

paper RV

7.1.11 calendar.jpg

Curiosity Wonderment & Exploration Co. offer a free 3D calendar every month that you can print out & assemble yourself !!

via: apartment therapy

Thursday, July 7, 2011

indoor camping

via: apartment therapy

i am now officially adding camper on my wishlist. how great would it be to park this in your backyard?? i'm giddy just thinking about it !!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

kung fu fighting

Jeremy Scott x adidas Originals Fall/Winter 2011 Lookbook
jeremy scott x adidas

one scoop of Chanel ice cream please

faking it

the Wall Street Journal article, "The Finer Art of Faking it" discusses how its becoming more difficult to differentiate between a fake luxury good & a real luxury good.

this is why i never buy the vintage Chanel handbags that i see at the flea markets & vintage stores. i probably see at least 10 Chanel bags on average during every flea market trip & although the vendors always insist that its a real Chanel purse I know that a real vintage Chanel anything would never be that cheap. i'm sure that its entirely possible for someone to happen upon a real Chanel purse & buy it for a ridiculously low price, but i think that the odds of that happening are about 1 to 1,000,000,000,000 and that you're better off saving your money to buy a real Chanel purse from a trustworthy vintage store, Decades Two for instance, or from the actual Chanel store.

i'm assuming that her Chanel is real? :)